Ep 57: Padmé Amidala Spectacular
Princess of Theed followed up by Queen of Naboo all before her 15th birthday?! That’s quite a resumé for Padmé Amidala even before we saw her on the big screen in Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace. She’s been gaining popularity through books, comics, and TV shows. Our interest has NEVER been higher with Queen’s Peril on the horizon. Travel back to the prequels with Corey, Eric, and Charles as they weigh in on Padmé Amidala and her legacy in the Star Wars universe! Send any and all questions to livingforcepod@youtini.com, follow us on Twitch at Youtini_us, tweet at us @LivingForcePod, hit us up on Facebook, and don't forget to join the discussion on Discord at Youtini.com. Help the galaxy find us by leaving a review and please remember to subscribe!